Monday, June 20, 2011

My Educational Philosophy


The classroom is a community of learners. Every individual in the classroom has the power, right, and expectation to achieve with excellence both in school and out. The teacher is not an instructor but someone who teachers, models, supports and helps students to discover more about the world they live in and to learn the necessary skills to become active learners and citizens.
As teachers we need to come together as a group to support our youth. Like the saying, "it takes a village", it's important that as teachers we utilize each others experience, knowledge, and support to reach all students. The community does not stop at the school doors. All players in our students lives need to come together. Teachers and parents are vital roles and it's crucial for both parties to work cohesively. The teacher needs to support the parents by developing knowledge, skills and strategies to collaborate with parents and giving many opportunities for interaction.
In today's world, our students our surrounded by technology either through a cell phone, the television, a video game, and or the computer. It's vital to utilize technology to better enhance students learning experience. Technology adds a new element into the everyday learning as students are able learn beyond the classroom, the city, the state, and even the country. It connects students to the real world and introducing them to bigger ideals. Through technology students are given numerous opportunities to express themselves and their understandings through words, images, sounds, and film.
Every student is unique by the way they speak, act, and learn. Students learn best when they are treated with respect, given high expectations, and can genuinely see they are surrounded by people who care and wish to see them succeed. Through all this, the classroom needs to have structure. Classroom rules and expectations provide the clear norms for students however they need to accept them first. Having the students create the classroom's statement/contract and all agrees to follow them will allow the students to feel a connection to structure as they are the developers.
Students are the very essence of the classrooms. They are ones that should lead the lesson become the discoverers. Student focused and student led allows the students to become active and engaged learners. They need to feel empowered that they drive their own future with the support of their fellow classmates, teachers, family, and community. The students need to be in an safe space surrounded by trust, acceptance, friendship, and respect.

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