Friday, August 5, 2011

The workings of a Teacher

So the year is about to start with my lovely Kindergartener's at Howe School of Excellence in the North Austin community. I had the chance to meet my mentor teacher this week, Ms. Donofrio, who is so sweet and I'm so eager to learn from her. From two weeks of emailing back and forth I can tell that it's going to be a great relationship where I will both be challenged but also molded into that Kindergarten teacher that is somewhere in there. Still very nervous for Kindergarten, they're so little!!

First day walking into Howe and meeting the staff

Can you say WOW!! I have heard about how great the infamous Ms. Campbell was through City Year but man she sure is one great lady who surely knows how to properly greet you. :0 As my co-resident and I took a tour of the school we walked into the front office into a small conference room and was greeted with "OMGs," "they're here," cheering from 3 lovely ladies, the Principal and the 2 assistant principals. A greeting I will never forget. :)

We were also informed that this year the Howe staff will be having their 3 day beginning of school orientation in Lake Geneva!!

So on Thursday, the 4 Howe Residents and our Mentor Resident Coach woke up super early, 4:30..., to depart from Chicago at 6 to arrive in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin two hours later. I was quite nervous to be coming into their orientation the second day and be the "new" people but we were given a lovely introduction the Howe way. Which meant, a full introduction by Ms. Campbell, names on a large screen, standing and waving as the crowd cheered. Such welcoming and warming. From the awesome and motivational speech from the Principal to the cheering and "Welcome to Howe" shouts during our greeting I knew that this year at Howe was going to be great.

I have an awesome school where I can clearly see the determination, collaboration, and support from both administration and staff, my thoughtful and experienced mentor teacher, my goofy and composed mentor resident coach, and 3 eager and terrific fellow residents who will all be going along with me in this crazy and exciting journey.

I know the year will be a tough one as I adjust to working with such young children, develop my teacher skills and moves even more, and juggle between grad school and teaching. But I will be supported all the way by numerous people.

I can't wait for the first day of school!!

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